INTRODUCTION i-1: Influenza Virus i-2: Unicellular Organism i-3: Stages in the Growth of a Human Foetus.
SECTION I: HISTORY I-1: Stonehenge I-2: Michael Harner (from The Way of the Shaman videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). I-3: Boshier and a few of the forty sangoma of the Komi tribe in North Western Transvaal, attending an initiation ceremony, January 1975 (courtesy Adrian K. Boshier). I-4: A female trainee (on right with bladders in hair) is divining the whereabouts of hidden objects to prove her powers. The sangoma on the left who is testing her is one that Boshier had been studying for several years. The bladders in the hair of the initiate have been taken from sacrificial animals and have been filled with the breath of her teacher. Today this girl is being "reborn" as a sangoma. Swaziland 1972 (courtesy Adrian K. Boshier). I-5: A sangoma studying her bones (taula) of divination. Her patients look on as she studies the pattern of the bones, shakes the rattle in her hand and calls upon her ancesters to help her "see." The taula are composed of ivory tablets with symbols engraved upon them, seashells, knucklebones, tortoise shells, seeds and coins (courtesy Adrian K. Boshier). I-6: During the ceremonies at which animals are sacrificed to the ancestral spirits each sangoma is possessed by those spirits who talk through them -- thanking the host, praising the spirits, giving advice, etc. The woman in the right foreground is in the midst of this. Jackson, Transvaal, 1971 (courtesy Adrian K. Boshier). I-7: Babylonian Winged God Marduk I-8: When one is so far advanced that every shadow and every echo has disappeared, so that one is entirely quiet and firm, this is refuge within the cave of energy, where all that is miraculous returns to its roots. One does not alter the place, but the place divides itself. This is incorporeal space where a thousand and ten thousand places are one place. One does not alter the time, but the time divides itself. This is immeasurable time when all the aeons are like a moment. (The Secret of the Golden Flower, trans. by Richard Wilhelm). I-11: Pythagoras I-12: Jacob Needleman (from Spirituality and the Intellect videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). I-13: Plato I-14: Iamblichus I-15: Statue of Seneca in Cordoba, Spain (courtesy Janelle Barlow). I-16: The Legendary Appolonius of Tyana I-17: The Vision of Ezekiel I-18: The Temptation of St. Anthony I-19: The Legendary Hermes Trismegistus I-20: Huston Smith (from The Primordial Tradition videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). I-21: (no caption) I-22: Albertus Magnus I-23: The Human Being as Images Mundo I-24: (no caption) I-25: Paracelsus I-26: Magical Salamander from Paracelsus' Auslegung von 30 magischen Figuren. I-27: John Dee and Edmund Kelly evoking a spirit.* I-28: The Rosicrucian Invisible College I-29: The Invisible Magical Mountain I-30: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz I-31: Bishop George Berkeley
SECTION II: FOLKLORE II-1: Theodore Roszak (from The Cult of Information videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-2: Johannes Kepler II-3: Carl Gustav Jung II-5: Relationship between mean annual magnetic activity (U) and number of sunspots (R). (After A. S. Presman, Electromagnetic Fields and Life. New York: Plenum Press, 1970). II-6: Diurnal variations of electric field of atmosphere: 1) Over the ocean; 2) In polar regions; 3) Thunderstorm activity over whole earth's surface. (After Pressman). II-7: Solar activity and frequency of lymphocytoses during 1957 in Sochi, USSR. (After Pressman, p. 199). II-8: The magnetic field extending out around the earth, blown by solar winds away from the sun. [TYPESET THE FOLLOWING WORDS AS ILLUSTRATED: SOLAR WIND, MOON, SHOCK FRONT, EARTH, MAGNETOSPHERE.] II-9: Charles Muses (from Time and Destiny videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-10: Arthur M. Young II-11 through II-16: (no captions) II-17: (no caption) [POSSIBLY RESET TYPE] II-18 through II-20: (no caption) II-21: Susan Blackmore, author of Beyond the Body. London: Paladin Grafton, 1982. II-22: Stanley Krippner (from Psychic and Spiritual Healing videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-23: Healing Temple of the God Asclepios on the Greek Island of Kos, where Hippocrates received his training as a healer. II-24: Martin Rossman, MD (from Healing Yourself With Mental Imagery videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-25: Statue of Seneca in Cordoba, Spain (courtesy Janelle Barlow). II-26: Radionics "Black Box" II-27: Edgar Cayce (courtesy Association for Research and Enlightenment). II-28: Library of the Association for Research and Enlightenment. II-31: Andrija Puharich II-32: James Randi II-33: Brendon O'Regan (from The Inner Mechanisms of Healing videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-34: Carl Simonton, MD II-35: (no caption) II-36: Stephen Levine II-37: Joseph Campbell (from Understanding Mythology videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-38: Annie Besant -- Fabian Socialist (and George Bernard Shaw's lover) who later became head of the Theosophical Society. II-39: Eileen Garrett (1893-1970), founder of the Parapsychology Foundation, New York. II-40: Seven layers of the human aura according to a theosophical manuscript published in 1896. Each layer is said to represent finer particles of matter. II-41: According to Rosicrucian Max Heindel, one's level of clairvoyant functioning is reflected in the aura as diagrammed above. II-42: A. R. G. Owen II-43: You can see a "rim aura" when you stare at the outline of the letters above. II-44: Pranayama energy chart showing currents of life energy passing from the cosmos through the chakras into the body, as understood in pranayama yoga. This chart was designed for use as a focus during meditation by Sri Rammurti Mishra, MD. II-45: Chart showing the chakras of yoga, associated with the meridians of acupuncture. Designed by Sri Rammurti Mishra, MD. II-46: Seven chakra-like centers with astrological correlations, according to the seventeenth century German mystic, Georges Johann Gichtel. II-47: Shafica Karagula, MD II-48: Transduction of etheric force through the chakra into the bodily force within an endocrine gland (courtesy William Tiller). II-48-A: Lee Sannella (from What �0 Kundalini? videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-49: (no caption) II-50: Basic design of orgone accumulator. To = temperature above accumulator; Ti = temperature within accumulator; T = control (temperature of air in room). El = electroscope. Arrows indicate direction of ostensible radiation. II-51: High-voltage photograph showing electrical corona around a leaf kept in an orgone accumulator after fifteen days. II-52: High-voltage photograph of leaf kept in a wooden box for fifteen days (courtesy Thelma Moss). II-53: Thelma Moss II-54: High-voltage photograph showing electrical corona around fingertip of individual before alcohol consumption II-55: Same fingertip after consuming 9 oz. of bourbon II-56: High-voltage photo of fingertip after consuming 15 oz. of bourbon (courtesy Thelma Moss). II-57: High-voltage photograph showing electrical corona around two fingertips of individual before using marijuana. II-58: High-voltage photograph of same fingertips during marijuana intoxication (courtesy Thelma Moss). II-59: High-voltage photograph showing electrical corona around fingertip of Mrs. Ethel De Loach prior to healing. II-60: High-voltage photograph of same fingertip while Mrs. De Loach is thinking about healing (courtesy Douglas Dean). II-61: High-voltage photograph showing electrical corona around fingertip of patient before psychic healing treatment. II-62: High-voltage photograph of same fingertip after psychic healing treatment (courtesy Thelma Moss). II-63: Phantom leaf high-voltage photograph II-64: Phantom leaf high-voltage photograph II-65: Olga Worrall II-66: William Joines (courtesy Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man). II-67: Irina Tweedie (from Spiritual Training videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-68: Robert Frager (from Common Threads in Mysticism videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-68-A: Joseph Chilton Pearce, reknowned author of Crack in the Cosmic Egg and Magical Child, is a devotee of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda. (From The Guru Principle videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions.) II-68-B: Heart-Master Da Love-Ananda II-69: (no caption) II-70: Emmanuel Swedenborg II-71: Melencholy, Albrech Durer, 1514 II-72: (no caption) II-73: Madame Blavatsky in perambulator, attended by two students James M. Pryse (left) and G. R. S. Mead (right). II-74: (No caption) II-75: Judith Skutch Whitson (from A Course in Miracles videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-76: Peter Dawkins (from Francis Bacon and Western Mysticism videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-77: Martian landscape drawn by Catherine Muller while in trance. II-78: Rare photo of disk which appeared at Fatima, Portugal on Oct. 13, 1917. The disk is shown after it had descended, near the horizon (courtesy Association for the Understanding of Man. Taken from the book Fatima Prophecy: Days of Darkness Promise of Light). II-79: Egyptian buzzards, guiding the soul between worlds.* II-80: Image of a buzzard taken from the cover of Nature, October 18, 1974. II-81: Clocklike UFO patterns photographed by Stella Lansing (courtesy Berthold Schwarz). II-82: Enlargement of UFO image. II-83: Mentalist Dunninger with Stella Lansing and her pet dog. II-84: Star map reproduced by Betty Hill. II-85: (no caption) II-86: Ray Stanford (courtesy Association for the Understanding of Man). II-87: Ted Owens II-88: Unidentified objects photographed in Yungay, Peru, March 1967 (courtesy Aerial Phenomena Research Organization Bulletin, January 1969). II-89: James Harder (from Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-90: Jacques Vallee (from Implications of UFO Phenomena videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-91: (no caption) II-92: Judgment Scene from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The heart of the deceased is being weighed against a feather. II-93: Osiris, King of the Underworld II-94: Tibetan judgment of the soul after death. Good and bad deeds are weighed against each other. II-95: The house in which American spiritualism was born, Hydesville, New York. II-96: The Fox Sisters [NOTE: RESET TYPE FOR THEIR NAMES.] II-97: Allan Kardec II-98: F. W. H. Myers II-99: Karlis Osis II-100: Raymond Moody, MD (from Life After Life videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-101: Leonora E. Piper II-102: Richard Hodgson II-103: Sir Oliver Lodge II-103-A: Crude "ectoplasmic" hand exuding from navel, photographed at seance with "Margery," in Boston, 1925. II-104: Stephen Braude II-105: Daniel Dunglas Home II-106: Cage used by Crookes in the Home accordian experiment. II-107: Sir William Crookes II-108: Katie King II-109: Bien Boa II-110: (no caption) II-111: Eusapia Palladino II-112: (no caption) II-113: (no caption) II-114: Actual photograph of livery stable in Central City, Colorado. Inset in upper left shows brick pattern. II-115: Serios "thoughtograph" of livery stable (courtesy Jule Eisenbud). II-116: (no caption) II-117: Nina Kulagina II-118: Uri Geller II-119: Key bent by Geller, ostensibly using psychokinesis, while held in the hands of writer Alan Vaughan. II-120: William G. Roll II-121: Broken glass from Miami poltergeist (courtesy Psychical Research Foundation). II-122: Julio being tested for psychokinesis (courtesy Psychical Research Foundation.) II-124: The "Philip" table tilting while everyone's hands are said to be in light contact with the top (courtesy Robin E. Owen, New Horizons Foundation). II-125: The "Philip Group" from left to right Iris M. Owen, Sid Korman, Bernice Mandryk, Al Peacock, Margaret Sparrow, Dorothy O'Donnell, Andy Henwood, Lorne Henwood (courtesy Robin E. Owen, New Horizons Foundation). II-126: Larissa Vilenskaya II-123: Firewalk ritual with Ajari Warwick of Kailas Shugendo in San Francisco. II-127: Microphone in hand, the author follows Ajari over the flames. "It doesn't hurt." II-128: Kuda Bux firewalking II-128-A: [SPECIAL INSERT POEM: THE JEWELS OF WOLF MESSING] II-129: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi II-130: (no caption) II-131: Dr. Georgi Lozonov with a subject (courtesy Milan Ryzl). II-132: Milan Ryzl and the author attending the Parapsychological Association conference in 1973. II-133: Irene Hughes II-134: W. H. C. Tenhaeff II-135: Kathlyn Rhea II-135-A: Lee Pulos -- a clinical psychologist, restauranteur and management trainer. Skilled in the use of self-hypnosis as a state conducive to apparent psychic intuition, Pulos built his Spaghetti Factory business up to a chain of twenty restaurants. (From Qualities of High Performance videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions.) II-135-B: Russell Targ (from ESP, Clairvoyance and Remote Perception, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-135-C: Keith Harary (from Practical Applications of ESP, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-136: There are things in life much more valuable than money, according to my dear friend, Jana Moon Janus, who is currently residing in Moscow. For many years, the "clover spirits" have spontaneously guided her to rare four-leaf clovers. She has literally found thousands of these, and others are able to do so in her presence. She is "clover rich." II-137: Alan Vaughan II-138: Luiz Gasparetto in trance ostensibly possessed by the spirit of Vincent Van Gogh. II-139: Michael Murphy (from Transforming the Human Body videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). II-140: Rhea White, founder of the Parapsychology Sources of Information Center (2 Plane Tree Lane, Dix Hills, New York 11746) maintains a computerized database of articles and books relating to psi phenomena. II-141: (no caption) II-142: Richard Gierak, founder of the New Frontiers Institute. II-143: Wade Doak II-144: William Kautz (from The Intuitive
Connection videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions)
SECTION III: SCIENCE III-1: William James III-2: Karl Pribram (from The Holographic Brain videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions) III-3: (no caption) III-4: (no caption) III-5: (no caption) III-6: (no caption) III-7: Which face of this cube is nearest to you? III-8: Joseph Banks and Louisa E. Rhine (courtesy Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man, Durham, North Carolina). III-8-A: John Palmer argues that, while psychic researchers have not proven the existence of psi, they have established a scientific anomaly that cannot be explained away by skeptics. III-9: Helmut Schmidt III-10: A subject presses a button recording a guess on one of the automated testing devices developed by Helmut Schmidt. There is a probability of 1 in 4 that the subject will score correctly by chance alone. (Courtesy Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man). III-11: Charles Tart III-12: E. Douglas Dean conducting a plethysmograph study. III-13: Irvin L. Child, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Yale University. III-14: "The Conductability of Psychic Force." The two glasses were connected by a copper wire. When the experimenter pinched the air-zone above the water-glass nearest him, or plunged his finger or pencil into it, the subject immediately reacted. This reaction disappeared if the connection between the glasses was removed. These results were undoubtedly shaped by the belief systems of experimenter and subject. III-15: "Exteriorization of Sensitiveness." A photograph of the sensitive was taken and the negative was then held by her a few moments. The operator, with a pin, scratched the hand on the negative. Instantly the sensitive ejaculated with pain, and a small red spot appeared on the back of her hand. This rapidly grew into the blister shown in the above photograph. III-16: Milan Ryzl testing his star subject, Pavel Stepanek. The target is inside a triple-sealed envelope. (Courtesy Milan Ryzl). III-17: Martin Gardner, author of How Not To Test a Psychic, Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, and other skeptical books (courtesy Martin Gardner). III-18: Some targets and responses from ESP tests with Uri Geller at Stanford Research Institute. III-18-A: John Beloff III-19: Gertrude Schmeidler III-19-A: K. Ramakrishna Rao, Director of the Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man, Durham, North Carolina III-19-B: Robert L. Morris III-20: Rex Stanford III-21: J. B. Rhine conducting a PK experiment using dice in a machanical dice tumbler. (Courtesy Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man). III-22: PK test equipment (courtesy Helmut Schmidt). III-22-A: REG Testing at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Program. III-23: Dean Radin III-24: John Hasted III-25: Brittle alloy bars bent by subjects in Hasted's experiments. III-26: Carroll B. Nash III-27: Harold Puthoff [NOTE: THIS PICTURE MUST BE CROPPED. PUTHOFF IS WEARING A JACKET AND TIE] III-28: Wound size in mice immediately after removing a portion of the skin. The center group received psychic healing treatment. (Courtesy Bernard Grad). III-29: Wound size after eleven days. III-30: Wound size after fourteen days. III-31: Plant growth affected by psychic healing treatment (courtesy Bernard Grad). III-32: Subject's view of the mice through a one-way glass. Either the right or left wide was the target, the other mouse serving as a control. Funnels in the background were used to guide the mice onto the photocell platform without touching them. (Courtesy Graham Watkins). III-33: William Braud III-34: Marilyn Schlitz (from Biological Psychokinesis videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions) III-35: James Davis, psi researcher who was instrumental in detecting experimenter fraud in 1974 at the Foundation for Research on the Nature of Man in Durham, North Carolina. III-36: Jessica Utts
SECTION IV: THEORY IV-A: Michael Scriven (from Explanations of the Supernatural, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). IV-1: Multi-polar neuron. Circle indicates a synapse. (Courtesy Angela M. Longo). IV-1-A: Bipolar neurons (courtesy Angela M. Longo). IV-2: Neuron cell body with synapses from other neurons. IV-3: Cross-section of the human brain. IV-4: Sensory-motor mapping on the human cortex. IV-5: Location of the major endocrine glands in the body. IV-6: Serotonin IV-7: Psilocybin
IV-9: Albert P. Krueger, Emeritus Professor of Biology, University of California, Berkeley. IV-10: Random motion of unicellular organisms in absence of an electromagnetic field. IV-11: Oriented movement of unicellular organisms due to electromagnetic field of 5-7 MHz. Motion is parallel to electric lines of force. (After Pressman, Electromagnetic Fields and Life, p. 163). IV-12: From "The Airborne Magnetometer," by Homer Jenses, Copyright (C) June 1961 by Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved. IV-13: Sir John Eccles, Nobel laureate neurophysiologist and mind-body dualist. IV-13-A: Albert Einstein with India's great mystical poet Rabindranath Tagore. Photograph taken at a meeting of Nobel laureates, New York, 1940. [NOTE: SET THIS PHOTO ON A PAGE BY ITSELF WITH THE QUOTES TAPED TO THE BACK.] IV-14: (no caption) IV-14-A: Fred Alan Wolf (from Physics and Consciousness videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). IV-14-B: Nick Herbert (from Consciousness and Quantum Reality videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). IV-15: Evan Harris Walker [NOTE: THIS PHOTO MUST BE CROPPED TO SHOW ONLY THE BEARDED MAN ON THE RIGHT.] IV-16: Saul-Paul Sirag (from Consciousness and Hyperspace videotape, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions)* IV-17-A: Arthur M. Young (from Self and Universe, courtesy Thinking Allowed Productions). IV-18: (no caption) IV-19: (no caption) IV-20: (no caption)
APPENDIX Captions for the illustrations accompanying
the Appendix are included with those illustrations.